Monday 1 January 2018

Introduction to Ubuntu Touch

Ubuntu Touch - 

Bring life back into your old phone

A few months ago back at the end of April with the move from Canonical to withdraw support for both Unity and Ubuntu Touch it seemed as if the whole convergence thing was dead.

Headlines like these below certainly rained down and very wise people who had always predicted it would end in tears gloated and people assumed the whole project was dead.

But they had not counted on the community that sits behind Ubuntu and in particular Ubuntu Touch. They had not counted on dedication and hard work from volunteers from across the globe who formed Ubports and instead of holding the project on a little longer actually started to grow it from strength to strength picking to support 3 devices then all the previous devices. Funding via donations from sponsors and patreons grew and grew and UBports have started to make massive difference and rebuild this project from the bottom up. 
More information about them is here:

For me they have resurrected and given new life to a really exciting project.

These mini blogs will show you how to set up your phone/tablet after you have installed it; how to change some things around a little like font sizes and then how to make the most of it and enjoy using your phone again. 

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